Editor's Choice
Theme: Waiting


Sitting here in silence
I start to wonder why ?
That every time I meet a dame
I have a wondering eye.

Maybe it's her smile,
Or beautiful hair of silk
Either way it happens
That I'm so full of guilt.

Hey, I'm not the only one
There are other guys like me
Then why do I feel so alone
When I should be carefree.

I just need to remember,
My Lord, he made me this way
To be attracted to the one
That I will wed someday.

So why do I even bother,
Why do I even look ?
If none of these girls
Are going to marry me
Then why do I feel forsook ?

It's true, I don't want to be greedy
Others out there though, think they're so needy
They move right along from one to the next
Trying to fill their hearts up with sex
Or whatever they can, hoping to find
That one special girl, a one of a kind.

This must be why it's so hard to wait
I'm seventeen, and never been on a date
When I see the world, I know that they're wrong
Though it doesn't suffice me, or help get along.

So as I sit here, and I think about
All the beautiful girls that make me cry out
I know that she's out there, just waiting for me
One day, I know we will live happily.

So the next time I see one and start to feel weak
I need not be sad, I need not be bleak
For I know the truth, with it I am strong
To someone out there I will always belong.


More By  :  Joshua Shea

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