Theme: Fantasy

The Long Tunnel of Night

Billions of stars are ablaze
Twinkling on a backdrop of velvet hue
The long tunnel of night stretches before me
A playground of magic and imagination
As I do the things that I do

I stand on my mountain alone
Lift my arms in a sweeping arc
And watch as the heavens rearrange
Into a thousand shooting stars
Forming a shimmering, glimmering arch

I plump up a few restless clouds
Form a ring around the edge of the moon
Then from out of their folds
Strikes of lightning lash out
As I sing to the moon with a tune

"Oi vimaney drimera voi
Ar twizzle de bimmenay da
Let all the stars waft down like rain
Oi vimaney minziller ra"

I command all the planets to align
As I laugh and dance in delight
With a snap of my fingers I twirl them around
Comets with rainbow tails weaving in and out
And all this magic is happening right now
While you sleep through the long tunnel of night.


More By  :  Janine Daniel

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