Theme: Nature

No, No...

No, no
not just the clouds,
however, colourful,
I shall look up to see,
what I need is the touch
of the drizzle on my palms
that shall playfully trickle and tickle
No, no
not just the smile
on the dawn of your face
you so delightfully frame
that I shall long to see,
what I need, its petals,
its fragrance that shall set ripples
in the pool of my heart
to lift me high into a new heaven!


More By  : Dr. Kumarendra Mallick

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Comments on this Poem

Comment You are welcome, Rupradha. It is so thoughtful of you to wish me. May your pen gain strength day by day in coming years.

08-Jan-2011 01:23 AM

Comment Thank you so much Sir! May 2011 bring lots of happiness in your life!

08-Jan-2011 00:26 AM

Comment Thank you, Rupradha for your sweet comments. I too love your compositions. Wishes for a very Happy New Year.

06-Jan-2011 21:44 PM

Comment very nice!!

06-Jan-2011 21:34 PM

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