Theme: Separation

A Plea

For me, time has stopped. 
For you also? I want to know. 
Nowhere do I want to go. 
Just stay here with you. 
How about you? 
Would you not tell me 
How you feel… 
I keep guessing 
And somehow I know 
My guesses are true, 
Yet I want to hear it from you. 
Say something. Won’t you? 
It’s been such a long time. 
How long can I keep 
Waiting for you? 
I’m dying away despairingly, 
Won’t you come and save me?


More By  :  Aparna Chatterjee

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Comments on this Poem

Comment Good views about true love but sometimes separation is necessary to realize & feel it in
it's best form.A lot of thanks.

Nathmal Sharma
20-Mar-2015 01:24 AM