Editor's Choice
Theme: Social


Dubai, the shiny city amongst sand dunes, is built by migrant workers
and their blood. Yes, in this unparalleled luxury, hotel staffs smile like
bright buttons...or else. Your discontent may cost them their job,
suicide amongst migrant workers goes unreported; so guests can sleep
in peace in their gilded beds. Should you ever go to Dubai, remember
it will drown in the sand, when the economic forces move elsewhere.
And this hubris on parched soil will be a historic interlude.
The wind in the night will murmur about untold suffering and the soul
of the disposed shall whisper words for no one hears and the wailing of
the conceited haves shall be goats bleat when sacrificed on the altar
of time without end. For this is the universal law, those you enslaved
will arise and possess you.


More By  :  Jan Oscar Hansen

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