Theme: Emotions


I was sweating like crazy,
I threw away the covers and got up
to drink water to ease
my parched throat!
And then I lay down exhausted,
Curled on my side of the bed
And then the shivering started,

Trembling I put one blanket and then another blanket,

I was still shivering and my teeth were chattering,

He got up slowly and put the thick quilt on me,
And whispered...are you better now ?

My husband of thirty years'
when was the last time he had got up
For me,
I don't remember.

'I didn't know you were awake.'
'I am sorry I woke you up.'
I said trying to hide the tremor in my voice...
Which wouldn't let him know how moved I was by his gesture'
Nonchalantly he said, 'the bed was shaking so I got up,
wake me if you want anything else.'
And then he turned his back and went to sleep.

And I clutched the quilt he had put'
it was snugger than anything
I had ever known.


More By  :  Annu Chopra

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