Editor's Choice
Theme: Perspective


The word hatred
Rhymes with dead
Indeed, it has brought so much woe
From the beginning of the get-go
Hatred and envy
Friends of greedy
From the very beginning
Of the days of reckoning
When Cain slew Abel
This I think was no fable 
When Adam went and ate the forbidden fruit
Since then man started eating leaves and root
Some take away and some others demand
Then they start to covet one another’s land
There’s so much hate amongst men
Who are so different from women!
If we had more women at the helm
We would not have this problem
But men deliberately do keep women 
From the top jobs only good for lichen
Or so they think
Cause they stink
Or are they really very afraid
She can be more than a maid
And would be better
Than their jet-setter
That she has better skill
And has more of a will
To negotiate for peace
Really mark her crease
Where peace is concern
And not leave us to burn
Look at the history of war
At home and from very far
Men’s choices suck in every clime
They screwed everyone all the time
War-driven, stubborn and very mulish
Peace is something they don’t relish
The men at the top have failed mankind
There has to be a woman they can find
To right the wrongs of the world
And let sanity for once be unfurled.


More By  :  Naraine (Norman) Datt

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