Editor's Choice
Theme: Therapy

Sex Therapy


The pain is so much
That I just cannot bear it
Whatever comes my way
I use them as stop-gap
Books, PC and the Net,
Music, Reading and
Those healing nature walks.
Anything Goes
For short trips of
Rapid Respite.
Wish it could go
A long way…
For coping and healing.
Maybe, I should try
Sex Therapy.
All that love is now
Beyond me…
Have had enough of that.
No more for me now.
Your body speaks of
Lust to me.
And I can only talk
Sex now.
I don’t feel love
When I see your Photo.
Just Plain Lust.
So are you thirsting
To take on me ?
As much as I am
Famished for some
Sex and sex and sex only
To whip the stress away…
No Holds Barred.
Let’s forget about love
And give in to our passions
With lustful abandonment.
I long for love no more.
Need the warmth of your body
To touch my aches and pains
With your healing sex therapy.
Touch Me –
Where it hurts the most
The bosom of my heart.


More By  :  Aparna Chatterjee

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Comments on this Poem

Comment Sex, it is said, is a Yoga too, if properly performed following a few of 64 postures. In such a case, it could be a therapy as you feel.

Kumarendra Mallick
28-Feb-2011 08:00 AM