
Four Fold Menace - 3

A nexus of enveloping evil - 3

Islam-embracing, Christianity coveting, Hindu-baiting UPA government is in a state of both voluntary and involuntary coma today. In a recent interview with Karan Thapar, our National (In!) Security Adviser M K Narayanan has proudly proclaimed with professional aplomb that Le-T of Pakistan is responsible for all the terror in India! He has declared with Magisterial Ineptitude: 'I know I will be ex-communicated!'
He can afford to be sloppily vocal on vital matters of national life and death. The Prime Minister is silent; the Defence Minister is silent; the Home Minister is silent. The de-jure Prime Minister of India Sonia Gandhi is also silent with Catholic compassion and trans-national sympathy if not loyalty. Outside most of the Missionary, Marxist, Islamic, pseudo secular Nehru-sponsored NGOs are working round the clock to balkanize India with gay and insidious abandon.

Against this dark and gloomy background of planned national destruction and decimation with secular enthusiasm, the biting truths about the nefarious anti-national and treasonable activities brought out in their fire-brand book 'NGOs, Activists and Foreign Funds: Anti-Nation Industry' edited by Radha Rajan and Krishen Kak should become a prescribed text-book for all the officers in the Government of India and the State governments responsible for national security and public safety. To quote the acid words of Radha Rajan in this vital context: 'The Congress-led UPA coalition defined itself as a 'Secular' (as opposed to 'communal' Hindu ) group and so rewarded these anti-Hindu activists (the noble NGOs!) who made anti-Hinduism the key-note of their political activism. These individuals and groups distort history and historical truths, negate the nation's Hindu civilizational moorings and deny the primacy of Hindu culture and ethos to propagate the twin falsehoods that there is no 'Hindu' community and that India has always been a 'Pluralist' country. Only by secularly declaring India as a 'Pluralist' country can all these NGOs rooted in the western imperialist ideology of attack, plunder, pillage and loot of Countries can they create a geographical platform / space for their occupation and nefarious actions.

The Indian Marxists have learnt two vital lessons from USA and other Western Nations. By funding and supporting NGOs in India, these western powers are influencing social trends and political and economical policies in India. Secondly, they have understood the urgent public need to start their own flourishing anti-national industry called NGO-activism which would enable them to surreptitiously clothe their socially disruptive anti-Hindu activism in a facade of global respectability.
The two most famous names in the anti-Hindu NGO-activism industry in India are Sandeep Pandey and Aruna Roy - telling examples of Marxists marching into NGO activism. Sandeep Pandey's nexus with Communism started coming out when, within months of accepting a Magsaysay Award in 2002 when he announced to the world that he will be returning the money US $ 50,000 - component of the Award. He made this declaration because he felt awkward after having called the US a terrorist State.

According to Radha Rajan, the Communists used Sandeep Pandey to deliver the first punch at the 'Imperialist' US and the Ford Foundation. Nirmala Deshpande and Admiral Ramdas of Pakistan India People's Forum For Peace and Democracy (PIPFPD) have already earned their Magsaysays for dabbling in Kashmir and hard selling peace with Pakistan. Sandeep Pandey has original ideas on nationalism and, of course, the status of Kashmir.

This truth-gun-powder like book titled NGOs, Activists and Foreign Funds, Anti-Nation Industry edited by Radha Rajan and Krishen Kak brings under the scanner international tycoons in the NGO Industry in India like Teesta Setalwad, Praful Bidwai and Achin Vainaik, Martin Macwan, Arundhati Roy, Nirmala Deshpande, Angana Chatterjee, Akhila Raman, Sandeep Pandey, Raju Rajagopal and Harsh Mandar. For theses people Hinduism only means sati, dowry, caste and untouchability.

Planned destruction of Hinduism is the royal gateway for global liberation. The main objective of this coalition of Muslims-Missionaries-Nehruvian Secularists is to write Indian history in a manner that places large sections of Hindu Society outside the Hindu fold and another important section as aliens who invaded / migrated into the country from the Steppes of Central Asia. Their only aim is to de-Hinduise the nation by propagating the following theories summarized in a capsule form by Radha Rajan on page 32 of the book.

'Hinduism is Brahminism. The Brahmins are Aryans who are not native to the nation but who first invaded and later migrated into the country, subjugating the native 'Dravidians' and the Adivasis. And therefore what goes in the name of Hinduism is as alien as Islam and Christianity and so there is no basis to the claim of Hindu nationalists that the life-breath of this territory is the Hindu civilization or a Hindu Nation. Dalits and tribals are not Hindus. Modern India was created by the British and it is pluralistic.'

When great saints, sages and seers of India like Swami Vivekananda, Shri Aurobindo, Dr Hedgewar and Guruji Golwalkar describe India as a land of UNITY amidst DIVERSITY, they are referring only to the underlying threat of Hindu civilization and Hindu culture. That is very different from the puerile pluralism being bandied about by a handful of cultural marauders in the NGO industry trying to sell the soul and territory of India to the four menaces of Islamism, Christianity, Communism and Nehruvian secularism. This fundamental point has been brought out with facts and figures by all the contributors to the book under review.
Another striking fact that comes out from this pioneering book on the nasty NGOs in India is that many of the dubious individuals and organizations have played a major role in the promotion of the politics of minorityism - politics of Nehruvian Secularism. These very people and organizations like Osama bin Laden in the field of global terrorism, joined together to create an anti-Hinduism and an anti-Hindu Nation alliance named Coalition Against Genocide (CAG). The US State Department disgraced itself before the Bar of the World and the higher Court of Time when they denied a visa to Narendra Modi. All the Hindus of India should view this US State Department's treatment of Narendra Modi as an affront to the dignity of Bharath Mata and Hindu Nationalism. All the true patriots of India should be very proud of the fact that two brave and fearless independent journalists, Radha Rajan and Krishen Kak, have declared with conviction in this book: 'This book is intended to serve notice on this anti-Hindu coalition and its masters'.

Most of the players in this NGO industry atop every organization look like Government departments wherein a substantial portion of developmental expenses are spent on wages and expenses like telephone, travel (both domestic and international) etc. Another disturbing factor is that the people of India do not have a full picture of how these anti-Hindu and anti-nation NGOs raise their funds from domestic sources. While the Central and State Governments are subject to the audit of Comptroller and Auditor General of India, these NGOs are not subject to any such review. Radha Rajan writes with anguish 'This writer has tried unsuccessfully for nearly three years to get the annual report including annual accounts of three leading NGOs in this country, who have a very high media presence in newspapers and TV channels. Many of these global cultural terrorists swarming in the NGO industry arrogate to themselves unfettered authority to criticize the Central Government, State Governments and other responsible Public Bodies having a clear, categorical and defined structure of duties and responsibilities under the laws of the land.
Many of these NGOs control most of the VIPs in Government in New Delhi and the States. The Government has no control over them. Some of them are more dangerous than terrorist groups like LeT and yet they are given a free run by the Government of India. I am mentioning this to show that the Government of India have abdicated their responsibility for maintaining the territorial integrity and safe-guarding the national security of India. In this context I have to mention that Russia has recently approved a Bill that introduces stringent control over the activities of foreign-funded non-government and non-commercial organizations in a move designed to prevent any 'Colored Revolution' in the country. In USA there is an Act called 'Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA)' and it provides for penalties up to ten years in jail for anyone acting as a foreign agent without notification to the Attorney General. It has to be noted that this FARA was originally passed in 1938 to prevent the spread of Nazi Ideas and Propaganda.

I fully endorse the following view of Vaidyanathan in his essay NGOs: Description and Regulations in this book: 'We would rather have NGOs create a self-regulatory body, or the community creates a body, which is a creature of their own and to which they are accountable. They can co-opt eminent citizens in this body. This becomes important since it is perceived that some of the NGOs are engaging in religious conversions in a rather aggressive fashion and some others are using the NGO banner from blackmailing well-functioning Corporate and Government entities'.
NGOs are multiplying like locusts. These self-styled, now turn-key and now turn-coat, contractors for farming the national conscience and national destiny of India frequently shout from the house-top demanding transparency and regulation and full disclosure from Corporates and Government. And yet most of them function as secret terrorist organizations owning accountability to none.

Public policies in the Failed State of India today are determined and laws made by small criminal minorities playing upon the fears and imbecilities of the mob - sometimes minorities of intelligent and small men, but usually minorities of rogues.


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